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2007 키티 생일 인형 산리오 퓨로랜드 드레스업 특대 레트로 2007 키티 버즈데이 돌멩이 드레스업 특대 복고풍 헬로키티 200개 한정 2007년 탄생 33주년 기념 생일 인형 산리오 퓨로랜드 어트랙션 산리오 캐릭터 보트라이드 코스튬 파티장에 있는 흰색 드레스를 입은 키티의 손발 얼굴은 움직일 수 있습니다.シリアルナンバー入り 専用箱あり 人形 高さ約41cm ドレス ホワイト 系 헬로키티 200체 한정 2007년 탄생 33주년 기념 생일 인형 산리오 퓨로랜드 어트랙션 산리오 캐릭터 보트 라이드 코스튬 파티 회장에 있는 흰색 드레스를 입은 키티 손발 얼굴은 움직일 수 있습니다. 시리얼 넘버 포함 전용 상자 있음 인형 높이 약 41cm 드레스 화이트 계열 https://jp.mercari.com/item/m62846433631

2007 Kitty Bus Daydol Furoland Dress Up Extra Large Retro 2007 Kitty Bus Daydol Furoland Dress Up Extra Large is sold online at Mercari at a low price, and it is a prima service that anyone can enjoy buying and selling easily.There are many new and unused items, and payments can be made by credit card, carrier payment, convenience store, bank ATM, and the payment is made by the seller after the item arrives, so you can feel safe. jp.mercari.com

200 Limited 2007 33rd Anniversary Kitty Bus Daydor… – Yahoo! Oak! According to our research, the same item has not been listed in Yahoo! Oak for nearly five years.I think it’s a valuable item with a small number.I think the overall condition is good without any noticeable stains.The paper on the crown is wrapped, and the shoes will not deteriorate.I think the doll itself has a lot of hair.Hello Kitty 200 limited birthday dolls Sanrio Furoland Attraction Sanrio Character Boat Ride Costume Version Party page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp
200 Limited 2007 33rd Anniversary Kitty Bus Daydor… – Yahoo! Oak! According to our research, the same item has not been listed in Yahoo! Oak for nearly five years.I think it’s a valuable item with a small number.I think the overall condition is good without any noticeable stains.The paper on the crown is wrapped, and the shoes will not deteriorate.I think the doll itself has a lot of hair.Hello Kitty 200 limited birthday dolls Sanrio Furoland Attraction Sanrio Character Boat Ride Costume Version Party page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp

200 Limited 2007 33rd Anniversary Kitty Bus Daydor… – Yahoo! Oak! According to our research, the same item has not been listed in Yahoo! Oak for nearly five years.I think it’s a valuable item with a small number.I think the overall condition is good without any noticeable stains.The paper on the crown is wrapped, and the shoes will not deteriorate.I think the doll itself has a lot of hair.Hello Kitty 200 limited birthday dolls Sanrio Furoland Attraction Sanrio Character Boat Ride Costume Version Party page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp
다양한 버전의 퓨롤랜드 보트 라이드 헬로 키티